Last night we went to see Santa at the ward Christmas Party. We had been prepping Brighton by pointing out Santa whenever we saw him in Christmas decorations, he has worn Santa PJ's the past few nights and we waved to him while in line. Brighton did alright; he liked the orange that Santa gave and at least he sat next to him :)
Over Thanksgiving Break our mom taught us how to sew Stockings. Amy came over last night and we finished ours so they are ready for Santa in a few weeks!! I am very proud of us! I am working on the new babies but it won't be completely done since we don't have a name picked out. Everyones will be made out of the same 5 fabrics but then each kid will have one fabric of their own. I love the dark blue in Brighton's. Chris loved it too since he tried to say that one was his but I got Brighton's name on it so he can't steal his. HAhA!! THanks mom we love our stockings!!
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