Did you think it was me with the twins? Well it is, but only for 2 days. Kherrington's parents are out of town on a "business" trip so she is staying with us for a few days. She was very good last night and today for her nap and went right down. Sleep was my biggest worry, but so far so good. THe kids love being together and are wild non stop!! When Brighton woke up this morning all he wanted to do was "SEE" Kherrinton even though I explained many times that she was asleep. Making lunch and cleaning it up was easier because instead of Brighton tugging on me for attention he and Kherrington played. It was also nice to make a meal for 3 instead of 2. Sometimes making things is just too much work if it is only for Brighton and I. He is so ready for a sibling, to have some one to play with non stop. He will however have a hard time always sharing his toys but luckily that won't take place for a while. We wish that Kherrington lived closer so we could play everyday!!
New Beginnings
6 years ago
Haha they are so funny together I just love it thanks for watching her for us
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